Neurofeedback Training
Neurofeedback is a form of biofeedback. It's a training process, which uses technology to provide you with more information about what your body is doing than your ordinary senses provide. This "feedback" helps you learn to use your mind to develop greater control over your body, or, in the case of Neurofeedback, your brain.
What is EEG Biofeedback?
EEG Biofeedback is also known as Neurofeedback.
Electroencephalogram (EEG): The EEG is a moving image that represents the general state of the central nervous system.
Biofeedback Therapy: Treatment based on the fact that any physiologic mechanism which can be "fed back" to an individual's awareness, can be controlled by that individual.
Neurofeedback Therapy: Virtually all physiologic processes are governed by the brain. Therefore, by gaining control over the brain's processing function (as seen from the EEG), a person gains control over the primary mechanics of their psychophysiology.
What Neurofeedback Training can do for you and how:
In Education:
It's simple. The quieter the brain, the easier it is to attend. The deeper the attention, the better you learn. Raise the level of your attention measurably, absorb more information, earn better grades.
In Sports:
Increase your ability to deeply relax minimize pre-competition jitters, and develop a sharper focus with appropriate visualizations. These are abilities are characteristics of great athletes.
In Art:
Relax and unfold unconscious material, access creative imagery and reduce wasted energy while increasing focus. Relieve chronic pain.
In Business:
Reducing stress, quieting the mind, and focusing attention allows you to process and synthesize information and complicated facts more thoroughly and effortlessly. Experience a new level of awareness and increase your ability to transform stress into a productive mindset enabling you to think more clearly and creatively.
In Personal Growth:
Neurofeedback training is a form of electronic mirroring that allows you to get to know yourself better. Learn to deeply quiet the mind. Particularly well suited to those interested in the classic mindfulness and meditation models.
About Neurofeedback Training
Healthy Brain Waves
Individuals with healthy brain wave patterns feel good most of the time, recover quickly from stressful events, and are also physically healthy.
When a person is ill or injured, electrical messages to and from the brain become blocked. This can cause changes in the brain wave patterns, and the brain is then unable to tell the body to make necessary chemicals that keep the body in balance.
Some people are born with unhealthy brain waves, which often cause them to have learning disabilities or cognitive/behavioral problems
The Future
There is much scientific interest being generated internationally by the continued research into the application of EEG biofeedback to attention deficit/hyper-activity disorder, addictive disorders, post traumatic stress disorders, closed head injury, asperger's syndrome, autism, some forms of epilepsy and pain management. In addition research is underway for many other health applications.
The sensors placed on your scalp and ears send your brain wave information to a computer. The computer screen shows you what your brain is doing. When your brain sends a healthy pattern to the computer, you will see visual displays and a tone will be heard. With time, your brain will automatically start to produce healthier brain waves. Healthy brain wave patters allow your brain to release the right chemicals in your body to keep you happy, healthy and balanced.
During EEG Neurofeedback, nothing is put into your brain; the sensors merely monitor your brain''s activity. We cannot read your mind, or change any of your beliefs.